Reaction Paper to Ethics Essay Example
Reaction Paper to Ethics Essay Example

Reaction Paper to Ethics Essay Example

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  • Pages: 6 (1519 words)
  • Published: October 9, 2017
  • Type: Analysis
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The term "ethos" is derived from the Greek word for ethics, ethos. It refers to an individual's characteristic way of behaving. The adult male demonstrates his ethos by discerning between good and evil, right and wrong, moral and immoral. He feels a sense of duty to pursue what is good and avoid what is evil, understanding that he will face consequences or rewards for his actions. In our study, we define ethos as the inherent qualities found in a rational being with intellect and free-will. It serves as a guiding principle for individuals on how to behave ethically.

From this discussion, I have learned that ethos or ethics plays a vital role in shaping individuals into noble beings. To become morally upright individuals, we must comprehend what constitutes goodness and act accordingly while also recognizing what is evil in order to avoid it.


Ethos significantly impacts our lives by making us aware of the potential consequences of our actions. Each action we take can lead to either positive outcomes with rewards or negative outcomes with penalties or consequences.

During childhood years, we often imitate those who are older and bigger than us because our understanding of proper behavior is limited. Consequently, blindly following their lead without comprehending its true impact can be detrimental to us. However, as we mature and gain knowledge about morality, we are empowered to make more informed choices.

In our daily lives, it is easy for us to forget that our actions may be morally incorrect but still feel justified from our perspective. We might engage in ethically questionable activities with friends or deceive others to protect ourselvesStudying ethics has taught me that w

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have a responsibility to correct our actions in order to live a virtuous life. Ethics helps us understand what is right and what should be avoided. However, societal norms can sometimes lead us astray even when we know deep down they are wrong. We may justify our actions by comparing them to others'. Now, I am aware of the consequences of my actions and willing to accept punishment for my mistakes. I will strive not to repeat them in the future. Instead of relying on others' guidance, I will carefully consider whether my actions align with moral principles.

Gerson R. Monteser - General Ethics BSIT-CPT II Reaction to Chapter 2: Man must strive for happiness. But what truly brings genuine happiness? Is it wealth, material possessions, fame, or maybe freedom? In my belief, men are never content as they always desire more even when they claim "this is enough." They continue searching for things that provide lasting happiness. When a man strongly desires something he truly wants, he will work tirelessly and do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, making it his ultimate commitment. However, once he achieves his goal, he soon seeks something else resulting in an endless desire while on Earth.The text suggests that according to Gautama Buddha, true happiness is not attainable in this world as it is a state of peace. However, it implies that by observing the happy and peaceful appearance of Gautama Buddha in his monuments and images, we can infer that achieving true happiness requires being at peace. The author's opinion is that finding contentment in material possessions and not worrying about life's problems can help us find

peace. They argue that instead of dwelling on problems, we should be grateful for each day given to us by God since problems are temporary obstacles in our lives. Jobs are also depicted as obstacles but necessary for personal growth, making one stronger and preventing laziness. True happiness may only be achieved after death, according to Gautama Buddha's belief. The concept of peace is associated with death here as well. The author acknowledges their thoughts and conclusions as their own. In addition to discussing various crimes like burglary, snatch, sexual harassment, rape, illegal drug dealing, and murder frequently portrayed in the media, the text emphasizes the importance for police officers to determine the motivation behind these crimes.Motive is the driving force behind a person's actions, as it gives them a reason to act. In this lesson, we examine how individuals and their goals are connected. An end represents the completion or finalization of something, and it signifies the purpose or objective behind an action. Therefore, having a goal is crucial in giving importance to human existence because it serves as our purpose for being. These statements define a person's essence and objectives; thus, motivation plays a vital role in one's pursuit of their goals. Without motivation, individuals lack the necessary drive to achieve their objectives. As a result, motivation becomes the fuel that propels their determination as they strive towards accomplishing their tasks. From my understanding, activities aimed at reaching an end can be compared to individuals striving towards achieving their life goals. Individuals work or continue living because they have specific ends that must be met in order to reach their ultimate objective. To

achieve these goals and meet these ends, individuals require strong motivation or a compelling reason for why they need it, want it, and must have it. When motivated and determined, individuals become unstoppable in achieving their goals – just like Steve Jobs demonstrated during his limited remaining days when he used his undeniable motivation to develop remarkable Apple devices.
Jobs exceeded doctors' expectations and witnessed the realization of his hard work, achieving his ultimate goal before his death. This demonstrates how motivation can drive individuals to accomplish feats that surpass their capabilities. Ignorance refers to the absence of knowledge and the presence of false information among people, as discussed in Chapter 4. From my point of view, a lack of rational knowledge leads to ignorance within society. It originates from adult males who refuse to accept the truth because they fail to comprehend its true meaning. Ignorance occurs when individuals feel inadequate due to others teaching them something new; instead of embracing shared knowledge, they reject it, resulting in their own ignorance. People who are ignorant display prideful behavior, considering themselves wise but actually being fools. They exhibit intelligence solely from their limited perspective and disregard alternative viewpoints from others. The lack of education contributes to ignorance and living in a narrow world. Those who decline learning opportunities and rely solely on their own knowledge or beliefs are ignorant. They vigorously defend what they know, even if others perceive it as incorrect. Ignorance greatly hinders progress, making it a curse for humanity.The widespread dissemination of education is crucial in attaining optimal goals and providing valuable information that would otherwise be inaccessible.Education alone possesses the power to

eradicate ignorance without causing harmIgnorant individuals who are closed-minded consistently overlook true knowledge and hinder their progress. Their belief in their own understanding obstructs further learning, leading them to appear arrogantly foolish and prideful by disregarding the insights of professionals. These individuals claim to possess all-encompassing knowledge without evidence, relying solely on their perspectives while dismissing others'. To break free from this mindset, they must acknowledge their foolishness and test ideas for truthfulness. They should realize that personal experiences alone cannot grant complete knowledge about the world. Ignorance includes not only those lacking awareness but also those intentionally disregarding knowledge, which hinders personal growth and development.

This concept struck me during my study of ethics module when I realized that a virtuous deed could turn malevolent under certain circumstances influenced by fortuitous factors. Typically, this transformation occurs when individuals lack familiarity or understanding in specific areas. External influences can cause an otherwise benign act to become wicked. Extensive research has shown that a virtuous action becomes wicked when someone believes they are doing something commendable without realizing they have violated a law.Giving spare change as alms to street children in Manila may appear kind but can harm the community, as there is no assurance that the money will be used for food. Providing alms solely for self-satisfaction and good intentions may unintentionally encourage criminal activities among children and enable parental laziness. It is essential not to promote begging among children; instead, they should be in school with caring parents. To make a positive impact, it is crucial to refrain from giving alms and bring these children to a reputable institution that can provide proper care and

nurture their growth, improving their quality of life.

Encountering opportunities where we can assist others often brings joy; however, some individuals openly showcase and take pride in their charitable actions. The true essence of giving lies in not boasting about our deeds. Therefore, the best approach is to give secretly and anonymously support those in need. Seeking recognition for our actions should not be the motivation; instead, supporting others should be an integral part of our lives. Unlike certain politicians and government officials who attach their names to projects as a display of goodness, genuine acts of kindness are selfless and do not require credit or publicity.

I have come to realize that not all acts of kindness remain good; they can turn negative depending on the circumstances at hand.

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